Cattle Breeding
Newly included in our range of products are all products and services needed to breed cattle. High-quality make and corresponding surface finish - these are the benefits of the components we deliver for your cattle stalls. In manufacturing equipment for cattle husbandries, emphasis is given to the sturdiness and durability life of bedding boxes, trough barriers, self-constraining structures, gates, drinking troughs and other components. Equipment can be complemented with reliable manure scrapers and stable ventilation for the required air exchange. We provide either partial technology deliveries for cattle husbandries or comprehensive solutions for farms, including building structures and manure removal systems.
Cattle separating structures
We manufacture and install separating structures for all categories of cattle (cows, heifers, calves, cattle feeding, cows not used for commercial milk production, breeder bulls) and all housing...
More informationWatering troughs, drinkers
Our range of products includes stable watering troughs and drinkers (heated drinkers included) for all cattle categories. Watering troughs may be of tilting or fixed make, typically offering good...
More informationStall ventilation
Sufficient air inflow but without undesired draught flow, is provided by well-dimensioned side openings, fitted with draft-preventing supporting screen and roll tarpaulin. The air outlet in newly...
More informationGrates under cattle
Products supplied by our company comply with all regulations and standards, as well as with the needs of animals by particular categories.
More informationSlurry and manure removal
Selecting the appropriate removal system is one of the most important factors in the functioning of the entire animal house. We deliver reliable scrapers (cable, chain, hydraulic) for bedding-free or...
More informationMats and floor panels
Products in our range on offer comply with all regulations and standards, as well as with the needs of animals by individual categories. Floor panels are intended both for through passages, milking...
More informationFeeding mixture conveyors
These conveyors are designed to transport food from the grainery to the points of feeding. We can deliver disk conveyors, spiral conveyors or screw conveyors for cattle breeding.
More informationStable accessories
The range of stable accessories for cattle includes rubbing posts and weighing scales. Rubbing posts provide higher comfort for animals in the stable. The rubbing posts (poles) are designed for...
More informationStructures for beef cattle
We can deliver the structural part of buildings (surface-treated steel structures with insulation envelope), including projection.
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