
Our services

We can provide project preparation services under the Rural Development Program – EAFRD.

The Rural Development Program is intended for 2007 – 2013 programming period investments in agriculture, forestry, the produce and processing of food and foodstuffs, fish husbandry and processing, tourism, investments in non-farming operations and the development of municipalities.

We specialize in delivering project preparation services, including associated and subsequent documentation needed to obtain non-returnable investment subsidy under the Rural Development Program, primarily from under:

Axis I
Measure I.1.1 Modernization of farming establishments
Objective a) investments in buildings, structures and technologies for animal productions (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, poultry)

Objective b) investments in buildings, structures and technologies for vegetable production.

Measure I.3.2 Starting of young farming businesses

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